Cancer Peptide Database

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Cancer Peptide Database

Many tumor cells produce peptide antigens. These may be released in the bloodstream or remain on the cell surface. Certain peptide antigens have been found to be associated with specific human cancers, such as malignant melanoma, renal cell carcinoma, breast carcinoma, prostate cancer, lung carcinoma, and colon cancer. Tumor antigens can be classified into two categories based on their pattern of expression: tumor-specific antigens (TSA) and tumor-associated antigens (TAA).

Tumor-associated antigens (TAAs) are mostly restricted to tumor cells, whereas tumor-specific antigens (TSAs) are unique to tumor cells. Tumor-specific antigens include all proteins produced a tumor cells that have abnormal structures due to mutations of the concerned protooncogenes or tumor suppressor genes that caused the tumor in the first place.

Tumor associated peptide antigens

In contrast, the mutation of genes unrelated to the tumor formation may also lead to the synthesis of abnormal proteins. These proteins are called tumor-associated antigens because they may also be present in some normal cells. An increasing number of TAAs have been identified in cancer patients as the targets of T cells and some are being tested in clinical trials. Cytotoxic T cells (CTL) can recognize small peptides (8-10 amino acids long) that have been processed from larger proteins from tumor cells. These peptides are presented to the cytotoxic T cells in the peptide-binding clefts of MHC class I molecules on the surfaces of the tumor cells. CD4+ T cells can also recognize slightly longer peptides (12-18 amino acids), which are most likely derived from larger proteins expressed or secreted by tumor cells. These are also processed and presented in association with MHC class II molecules. These peptides may be derived from any proteins synthesized by the tumor cell (proteins found in the nucleus, cytoplasm, lysosome, or plasma membrane and proteins that are secreted).

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Tumor Antigens Resulting from Mutations

Gene/ protein Tumor HLAa HLA Frequencyb
Peptidec Position Lymphocyte Stimulation Method References
alpha-actinin-4 lung carcinoma A2 44 FIASNGVKLV 118-127 autologous tumor cells Echchakir, 2001
B-RAF melanoma DR4 24 EDLTVKIGDFGLATEKSRWSGSHQFEQLS 586-614 peptide Sharkey, 2004
CASP-8 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma B35 20 FPSDSWCYF 476-484 autologous tumor cells Mandruzzato, 1997
Cdc27 melanoma DR4 24 FSWAMDLDPKGAe 760-771 autologous tumor cells Wang, 1999b
COA-1 colorectal carcinoma DR4 24 TLYQDDTLTLQAAGe 447-460 autologous tumor cells Maccalli, 2003
DR13 19 TLYQDDTLTLQAAGe 447-460 autologous tumor cells Maccalli, 2003
Triosephosphate isomerase melanoma DR1 18 GELIGILNAAKVPAD 23-37 autologous tumor cells Pieper, 1999

Check the Overview of HLA-DRB1 and Its Role in the Immune System LifeTein’s Peptide Knowledgebase about HLA-DRB1

See neoantigen sample sequence from LifeTein’s Peptide Knowledgebase

Tumor-Specific Antigens

Peptide Position Lymphocyte Stimulation Method References
GAGE-1,2,8 Cw6 18 YRPRPRRY 9-16 autologous tumor cells Van den Eynde, 1995
GnTVf A2 44 VLPDVFIRC(V) intron autologous tumor cells Guilloux, 1996
KK-LC-1 B15 13 RQKRILVNL 76-84 autologous tumor cells Fukuyama, 2006
XAGE-1b DR9 3 CATWKVICKSCISQTPG 33-49 autologous tumor cells Shimono, 2007

Differentiation Antigens

Gene / protein Tumor HLAa HLA
Peptide Position Lymphocyte
Kallikrein 4 prostate cancer DP4 75 SVSESDTIRSISIAS 125-139 peptide Hural, 2002
DR4 24 LLANGRMPTVLQCVN 155-169 peptide Hural, 2002
DR7 25 RMPTVLQCVNVSVVS 160-174 peptide Hural, 2002
NY-BR-1 breast cancer A2 44 SLSKILDTV 904-912 peptide Wang, 2006
OA1 melanoma A24 20 LYSACFWWL 126-134 peptide Touloukian, 2003
RAB38 / NY-MEL-1 melanoma A2 44 VLHWDPETV 50-58 peptide Walton, 2006

Antigens Overexpressed in Tumors

Gene Normal tissue expression HLAa HLA
Peptide Position Lymphocyte Stimulation Method References
ALDH1A1 mucosa, keratinocytes A2 44 LLYKLADLI 88-96 peptide Visus, 2007
CALCA thyroid A2 44 VLLQAGSLHA 16-25 autologous tumor cells El Hage, 2008
DKK1 testis, prostate,
mesenchymal stem cells
A2 44 ALGGHPLLGV 20-29 peptide Qian, 2007
EZH2 ubiquitous (low level) A2 44 FMVEDETVL 120-128 peptide Itoh, 2007
A2 44 FINDEIFVEL 165-174 peptide Itoh, 2007
A24 20 KYDCFLHPF 291-299 peptide Ogata, 2004
A24 20 KYVGIEREM 735-743 peptide Ogata, 2004